birth year possibly 1856

Shared note

birth year possibly 1856
aka Jim
1894 - contractor and builder
1906 - carpenter
birth date ammended according to 1901 census
Index finger missing from left hand
Witness at marriage of sister Mary to John Doan
Was an undertaker in Richmond Hill ON. He started the business in about 18 85.
Also funeral home in Georgina Twp., York Co.
Rumoured that he died in the same room in which he was born
1901-Sutton, N York-h-m-m-44-

b. ON
1911-Sutton, N York-h-m-m-52- ?? in facto ry b. ON
Sources: Blanche Slater, Auntie Elsie, Mom, Harve Doan, 1901 census [co py held], 1911 census [copy held],

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