1866 - joiner & grocer

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1866 - joiner & grocer
1891 - contractor (deceased)
Deaths Dec 1880 Taylor James 57 Wharfedale 9a112
1841-Yeadon-m-16- joiner Y in t he home of older sister Hannah
1851-Yeadon-h-m-m-27- cabinet makerb. YKS B aildon
1861-Yeadon-h-m-m-37- cabinet makerb. YKS B aildon
1871-Yeadon-h-m-m-47- cabinet makerb. YKS B aildon
Sources: Blanche Slater, GSU #0816604 Item 11-baptism [copy held], Carol L earmouth, 1841 census [copy held], 1851 census online [copy held], 1861 ce nsus online [copy held], 1871 census online [copy held], marriage of daugh ter Martha Ellen [copy held],

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