Births Jun 1839 Otley 23 496 1881 - using the given name Thompson 1891 - using given name Thompson
also in the home is Clifford Kendal-nephew-09-b. YKS Shipley Deaths DEC 1897 Laycock, George Thompson 56 Bradford 9b 89 Census: 1841-Yeadon-m-02- Y 1851-Shipley-s-u-m-12- wool card erb. Y KS Yeadon 1861-Shipley-s-u-m-21- loom mechani cb. YKS Y eadon 1871-Shipley-h-m-m-31- fitter
b. YKS Yeadon 1881-Bradford-h-m-m-40- mechanic at worsted mill - unemploy ed b. YKS Yeadon 1891-Bradford-h-m-m-51- Mill mechanic -e d- b. YKS Yeadon Sources: 1841 census online [copy held], 1851 census online [copy held], 1 861 census online [copy held], 1871 census online [copy held], 1881 cens us online [copy held], 1891 census online [copy held],